What's New


Bulletin, January 11, 2010

Lessons resumed with Patrick working on turns. We continue on that theme Saturday.  Our milonga at Jacobs is Friday, Jan. 22 (see below). It will precede workshops with Polo Talnir & Diane Kaftan Jan. 23. 
Jan. 30 will be a practica after an introductory class for absolute beginners. 


MONDAY - Tonight, Jan. 11 & 18: Social dancing and practica at Jacobs Fine Dining,  6:30 p.m., 2501 McHenry. Practice class material. All levels encouraged. No fee, but you're urged to buy food and/or drink. Come early to eat.

SATURDAY -  Jan. 16 Classes  at Juline School of Dance, 144 Woodrow (at McHenry), Patrick teaching.   
11 a.m. beginner level, 12:00 p.m. intermediate level, $12.  Introductory class for absolute beginners 10:15 - $5, credited to class with Patrick if you choose to stay.  1-1:45 p.m. guided practica, Practica only $5.

Saturday, Jan. 23
Workshops with Polo Talnir and Diana Kaftan
 - Vals (Argentine Waltz)-
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.  All levels - (beginners encouraged)
12:30 - 2 p.m. -  Intermediate levels
Polo was born in Buenos Aires amid the culture of tango.  He is a noted tango DJ in the Bay Area, famous for his vast music collection and knowledge of tango history. He  has danced tango for 20 years. Diana  is an accomplished  teacher who can personalize techniques to guide students to make their dance look and feel like tango.

Polo & Diana emphasize frame, balance, posture, walking , musicality and leader techniques for floor craft. They start classes with warm-ups,  listening and walking exercises to help students acquire a feel for the melody and rhythm of the dance.  Their  classes are designed as fun, emphasizing musicality. They dance and teach for the social setting. Their style emerges from the music, appropriate to the space, the partner and the social environment.
            Juline School of Dance  - 144 Woodrow Avenue,  Modesto
                 (Off McHenry west, Between Rumble and Standiford )
                Fee: $25 per class,  $45 for two classes, 
for private lessons , Contact Mary   522-1571, or email: modestotango@gmail.com   $70 hr.      

Modesto Tango is a non-profit association of tango aficionados dedicated to sharing artistic, cultural and social aspects of Argentine tango. To unsubscribe: <<http://groups.google.com/group/Modesto-Tango/subscribe>

Friday, Jan. 22
 Jacobs Fine Dining  - 2501 McHenry Ave.,  (209) 529-2829
Polo Talnir  and Diana Kaftan  perform at 10:15 p.m.

Introductory  lesson in Milonga: Older and upbeat style of  tango at 7:30 p.m.
$5 dance or sit and watch / $10 includes lesson
Food & beverages can be ordered  throughout the evening
Information: Mary (209) 522-1571, or e-mail: modestotango@gmail.com

MILONGAS elsewhere:

@>---- Saturday, Jan. 16 -Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T)
LA ALTERNATIVA!   9 p.m Milonga with DJ's Chris and/or Michelle - $10

@>---- Saturday, Jan. 23 -- Tango by the River 128 J Street,.  LIVE MUSIC BY PARLOR TANGO! Beginning lesson 8-9 p.m., dance 9- midnight. $15 per person.

@>---- Saturday, Jan. 30 -Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T)
LA ALTERNATIVA!   9 p.m Milonga with DJs Chris and/or Michelle - $10

@>---- Saturday, Feb. 13 --Tango by the River 128 J Street, Old Sacramento. Valentine milonga! Beginning lesson 8-9 p.m., dance 9- midnight. $15 per person for lesson & milonga; $10 milonga only. (Or you can order on-line and get the $10 price for lesson and milonga!) DJ: Peter Baldridge

@>---- Saturday, Feb. 27 -- Tango by the River 128 J Street, Beginning lesson 8-9 p.m., dance 9- midnight. $15 per person for lesson & milonga; $10 milonga only. (Order on-line for lesson and milonga for $10!) DJ: Peter Baldridge                                                                                                          

@>---- Sundays:  Studio 65; 2965 North Maroa Ave.  5-6:30 p.m Beginning  Tango. Learn the walk, embrace, and starting movements. Milonga is included.$10. 6:30-8 p.m Milonga only. $5

@>---- Sat., Feb 13th , Allegro Ballroom :5855 Christie Ave. "La Milonga de Nora"  Valentine's Day w/Guest Teacher Jorge Torres.

Some have expressed interest in these. To carpool call 522-1571


Sacramento -
Tango by the River, 128 J Street, Old Sacramento
6:30-7:30 p.m. Level I - Beginning Tango
7:30-8:30 p.m. Level II - Intermediate Tango

8:30-9:30 p.m. Level III - Intermediate/Advanced Tango (Vals for January)

Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T) 
5:30-6:45 p.m.- Guided Practica (Tango exchange), Facilitator: Michelle Gorre
6:45-8 p.m. - Open Practica.  $5 for both   tangomichey@yahoo.com
Live tango music at 8 p.m  $5 to $10 donation at the door

Fresno - Studio 65; 2965 North Maroa Ave.  8-9 p.m.  Tango Starters for those  just starting. $10 per person

Emeryville, Allegro Ballroom. 5855 Christie Ave., Nora Dinzelbacher teaching.
7:30-8:30 p.m.: Beginner Level $12
8:30-9:30 p.m.: Intermediate Level $12

9:30-10:30 p.m.: Practica $6 (Free with class)


Spotlight Center for the Arts, 2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West  Sacramento.
Emily Trites teaches introductory tango 6:30-7:15 p.m., Beginning/Intermediate tango 7:15-8 p.m.

Step One, 1920 T Street (at the railroad tracks:), "La Práctica" for all levels with Mike & Alisa  9-10:30 p.m.  ALL levels and beginners are always welcome.


Tango by the River - 128 J Street, Old Sacramento
Ed and Rebeca teach "Tango: Outside the Box." intensive 90-minute class followed by 90-minute práctica - three hours of tango to polish and refine your dance.  The  drop-in rate is $15 (for class and practica), practica alone $5. We  recommend students first complete Levels I, II, and III, or have specific clearance from Ed and Rebeca.

Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T) TANGO EXPLORATIONS
6:30 p.m Beginning Lesson / 7:30 p.m Continuing Tango / 8:30 p.m Open Practica
Instructors: Chris Peake & Michelle Gorre. $10 drop-in / $3 Practica only (Practica FREE with class)

-Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T)
Tango Buenos Aires with Miguel Taillant  7:30-8:45 p.m.

The Allegro Ballroom: 5855 Christie Ave.,
Four-Week Progressive Beginner's Lesson: 2-3 p.m, $12 
Int/Adv Lesson:  3-4 p.m, $12
Instructor: Julian  Ramil
Dance Practice: 4-6 p.m, $6 (Free w/Lesson)

Fresno Studio 65; 2965 North Maroa Ave.  In the Cube  5-6:30 p.m Beginning  Tango. Start any time, group setting, learn  walk, embrace, and starting movements. Milonga follows and is included. $10

Coming in February...
 Sacramento: Feb. 20,  Firehouse 5 Studio: 2014 9th Street (9th & T) Juan Cantone & Sol Orozco!  Click here to visit their website!

Coming in March... 5-7, 2010 -- PART II.  Workshops with Homer & Christine Ladas.
MOSTLY OPEN: This weekend will focus on the open embrace:

developing  expressive movement, dynamic embrace, and transitioning back to close embrace
PRICES = Individual (Couple)
1 Class = $25 ($48)    2 Class = $48 ($90)
3 Class = $72 ($136)  4 Class = $85 ($160)
5 Class = $100 ($185)
TO REGISTER or questions, please contact Michelle Wright*

(916) 295-9815 or <mailto:sactanguera@yahoo.com>sactanguera@yahoo.com
PRIVATE lessons available Friday - Sunday

         Tango Tours to Buenos Aires
From  Marcelo Solis:
Nov.19- 29. This tour  takes you to the heart of tango;  where the locals go,
We should be able to dance in such places, among those dancers.
Trip includes:
 - Airf are from San Francisco (one stop from S.F).
 - Hotel Lyon, the best location of Buenos Aires (double occupancy).
 - 24 hours assistance (we know the city and we speak the language!).
 - City Tours (you'll get to know all the characteristic places) 
- Shopping tours where locals go for quality and price.
- A day in the country.
- Four tango classes with the best local teachers.
- Milongas almost every evening or afternoon.
- Transportation to all the mentioned activities.
- A DVD with memories of the trip.

Cost: $2,290
To sign in and get this early bird price, send a $400.00.- advance (non-refundable).