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Forever Tango - Carlos Gavito

Forever Tango, Luis Bravo's internationally acclaimed dance spectacular. The show, which traces the history of tango through music, dance and dramatic vignettes, features an all Argentine cast. The show's first production number recalls the early home of tango in the brothels of Buenos Aires, the women appropriately attired for their trade, the men suited in gangster mode. Dancers: Claudio Villagra, Carlos Gavito & Marcela Durán, Jorge Torres & Karina Piazza, Hector Mayoral & Elsa Maria Borquez,Hugo Patyn & Carolina Garcia, Luis Castro & Claudia Mendoza. Bandoneón: Lisandro Adrover, Hector del Curto, Jorge Trivisono, Miguel Varvello. Choreographed by Luis Bravo.