What's New


Modesto Tango Bulletin, Nov. 30, 2015

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I hope everyone's thanksgiving was good  We return on Saturday, December 5  with Jean Pierre at the helm  with   a couple of lessons.  Jean Pierre will be offering us a touch of some of the more showy moves - Ganchos & Boleos", Lead and Follow. Studied from the Media-Vuelta , which he considers the easiest way to understand these moves. 


We meet again for  our Monday night practica  at the Clarion.  Starting  at 8:30 p.m., We are all encouraged to buy food or beverages from the bar as they would like to be able to count on $10 a person average. 

Let's all  make an effort to be there tonight at the  Shooters bar in the Clarion - 8:30 to 10 p.m.

Until later, Mary
Our website: http://ModestoTango.com

Modesto Tango is a non-profit association of tango aficionados dedicated to sharing artistic, cultural and social aspects of Argentine tango. 

To unsubscribe: http://groups.google.com/group/Modesto-Tango/subscribe



MONDAY: ( Nov 30 & December 6)  8:30 - 10 p.m. Social dance and practica at the Clarion, 1612 Sisk Rd.  A chance to work on lesson material.  No fee, but we are encouraged to buy food and/or beverages.


WEDNESDAY: Dec. 2, 2015   Class  at  Modesto Senior Center   at  211 Bodem Avenue.  We cover basic moves and techniques.  No fee.


SATURDAY:  December 5,  2015 -  Classes at Studio V , 4345 Spyres, off Bangs   Jean-Pierre returns with a couple of lessons.  The first one,  for all levels, particularly recommended for beginners will be at 11 a.m., the second one will be at 12:30 at a more intermediate level.  His focus this time will be Ganchos & Boleos", Lead and Follow. Studied from the Media-Vuelta understanding, the appropriate approach."  $15 for one class, $25 for both.  The following week's class is included in the fee.






Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th St. (just off Broadway)  Milonga: 8 pm - midnight,  $10

Dec. 4 & 5, Special workshops with Andrea Monti and Adrian  Durso.  There will also be workshops on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 5 & 6.  See  below for more information.



Tango by the River, 128 J Street, 2nd & 4th Saturdays  -   $10 for the milonga Dec. 12. Pre milonga workshop with Eduardo Saucedo @ 7:45  $30 for the workshop.



Firehouse Five Studio: 2014 9th St. TANGO BRAVO MILONGA!!   hosted by Miguel Taillant:,  1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday.  This is a traditional milonga and   similar to  those  experienced in Buenos Aires.   8 pm - 9 pm:  Tango lesson with Miguel Taillant,  9pm  - 12:30-01-00 am:  Milonga,  $10:00





6:30 - 10:30pm.

Capital Dance Center - 11270 Sanders Drive - Near Hwy 50 & Sunrise Ave (behind Costco). - Rancho Cordova, CA

Big beautiful wooden dance floor, an excellent sound & lighting system and a friendly atmosphere. DJ David Graybill.

BYOB.  Ample, free parking.   $10 per person, call 916-635-2600 to purchase advance tickets with credit card.

**Spacious wooden dance floor** **Delicious refreshments** ** free parking** **BYOB** **Only $10 per person** **Hosted by Patricia, Joanne, Cathi and Michael**





Twilight Milonga, Studio 1924, 1924 Franklin St., third floor. (Enter 2419 on lower door handle.)

DJ: Yuling Chen. Hosts: Count Glover and Melissa.

Close to 19th Street BART, free parking on Sundays. Leave no valuables in cars. 



Lake Merritt Dance Center, 200 Grand Ave. 8 p.m.


Some have expressed interest in these. To carpool call 522-1571.



Tango by the River, 128 J St., Old Sacramento

Beginning Tango - Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm  - learn the fundamentals of Argentine Tango: the elements of the tango embrace and posture, and moving with a partner in simple steps, focusing on musicality and connection.

Intermediate Tango -  7:30-8:30 pm - builds on  material from the beginning class, adding backward ochos, giros (turns), and occasionally barridas (sweeps) and sacadas (invasions). In all classes we focus on technique, connection on the dance floor, and how to apply all steps learned   into the social setting.  Tango Practica: 8:30-9:30 p.m.  -  $12 per class + $5 per practica



Tuesday,  8pm  Studio 65/Adornos, 2965 North Maroa Ave. 



Allegro Ballroom - 5855 Christie Ave. - Classes with Nora and Ed.

7:30-8:30 p.m.:  Beginners $12,  8:30-9:30 p.m., intermediates  $12

Extended hours! 9:30-11  p.m.:  Nora & Ed's Practica:  $5 



Studio 1924,  - 1924 Franklin Street - Tango Followers Extreme with Luz Castineiras, 7:30-9pm  An energetic, fun and rhythmical class that develops technique & dance conditioning. Dance with traditional & non-traditional tango music. All levels are welcome and leaders are welcome, too!  $15





Step One, 1920 T St. (at railroad tracks:), "La Práctica" for all levels with Mike & Alisa 9-11 p.m. Beginners welcome. 


Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th  St.  

Monthly:  $30   $10 drop-in; contact tangoonbroadway@gmail.com,  cegoh@aol.comor  now or call 1-916-390-0219 .

6 - 7 pm:  Basic Beginner Class  (Working on posture, embrace, basic walk, salida, cruzada,  and ochos)

7 - 8 pm:  IntermediateWEDNESDAY:  Beg & Int Tango (w/ Chooi Goh assisted by Karen Potts)For the Intermediate class,   alternate   Tango, Vals and Milonga , always   giving tango techniques & adornos that pertain to the execution of the elements  taught. 

November: Milonga, December: Int Tango and so forth).

$40/mth or $12 drop-in  



The Ballroom of Sacramento, 6009 Folsom Blvd. with Paul Zimny 7 p.m. Argentine Tango 1 - Introductory class explores Argentine Tango basics- progressive class - refreshes by calendar month. 8 p.m. Argentine Tango 2 - you just need to know the basics for a class that further explores the many possibilities for both leaders and followers - progressive class with new theme each calendar month




Tango by the River, 128 J St.,  Old Sacramento -  Intermediate/Advanced Tango - 7:00 pm

Practica 8:30  $15 drop in.


Firehouse Five Studio: 2014 9th St., Chris Peake  6.30-7.30 p.m. Beginning Tango,  7:30-8.30 p.m. Continuing Tango Explorations 8.30 - 11-ish Open Practica - Cost $10 drop-in or $35/month or $5 for practica only


Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th Street. TOTAL TANGO w/ MIKE & ALISA

Mike & Alisa will be offering a tango class that will encompass all the concepts, skills and practice that will enable you to look and feel your best while expressing yourself through tango.  You will need to have completed at least the beginning class to take this class.

7:30 - 9:00 pm  :  $50/month or $15 drop-in



Blackhawk Tango, Sycamore club 635 Old Orchard Drive, 7:00 - 7:45 pm Beginner , Intermediate.  7:45-8:30 p.m. practica.  8:30- 10 pm $10



Studio 1924, 1924 Franklin Street,  Tango Barre & Conditioning with Luz Castiniera  7-8:30pm.  In this class,   develop and explore an intensive tango workout. Each session offers   to strengthen the body through drills, repetitions, barre & stretching exercises, and musicality.

prices: Drop-in classes are $15, class packages available ($65 for 5 classes) Street parking is available and we are conveniently located one block from 19th Street BART. For more information, contact us at info@studio1924.com or 510-832-1702.




Firehouse Five  Studio: 2014 9th St. Traditional Tango  7:30-9:30 p.m.Traditional Tango with Argentine native Michael Taillant

$40/month, $70/couple, $12/drop-in class  Contact: 707-416-9680tangobravo2k@yahoo.com


The Dance Corner,  2927 Fulton Ave, Weekly Friday classes  from 7pm to 8pm (still $10 per class) followed by a Práctica from 8pm to 9pm to have more continuous floor time. The Práctica is free to class participants, or only $3 by itself.

This is a lovely dance venue with excellent floor, sound system, & lighting. There's lots of free, safe parking next to the studio. Questions? Please call 916-807-4210.




Club One, 5860 W Las Positas Blvd.

Classes and practica in large comfortable room with hardwood floor adjacent to and part of Club One boutique fitness center with clean, elegant, inviting atmosphere, minutes from highway 680 and 580 junction near W. Las Positas Blvd. and Hopyard Road.

6-6:30 p.m. Tango Chat

6:30-7:15 Beginners Class. Basic fundamentals

7:15-8 Intermediate Class. Popular steps for social dancing  8-9:30 p.m., practica

Cost: $12 – Free for Club One members, Includes light snacks and refreshments  www.blackhawktango.com



Emeryville :

Allegro Ballroom,  5855 Christie Ave.

Beginner Class 2-3 p.m,  Intermediate/Advanced Class 3-4 p.m  - Julian Ramil, instructor

One class for $10, two for $15, dance practice 4-6 p.m., $6 (free w/class)



Studio 65, Adornos; 2965 North Maroa Ave.

Tango all levels.  - 5-6 p.m., practica - 6-7 p.m.  $10

Coming Up

At Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th Street : Special Tango Weekend with Maestros Andrea Monti and her new dance partner, Adrian Durso, in Sacramento, workshops and milonga with dancing & singing show.

ANDREA MONTI, Director of the Argentine Tango USA Official Championship & USA Tango Festival and her new partner,

ADRIAN DURSO, Tango maestro, dancer and singer.

FRIDAY, Dec 4th, pre-milonga workshop & milonga:

7:00 - 8:00 pm: pre-milonga class (intermediate)

Topic: Progressing in the line of dance using changes of directions; turns and resources for crowded floors. Useful combinations and floor craft.

8:00 pm - midnight: Milonga with show (dancing and singing)

$12, includes snacks, BYOB

SATURDAY, Dec 5th workshops:

2:00 - 3:30 pm:

WORKSHOP I: TANGO INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: "Rebotes sincopados": rebotes from different positions in cross and paralel systems, changes of direction and resources for good navigation. Rhythmical interpretation.

4:00 - 5:30 pm:

WORKSHOP II: MILONGA - fun playful moves specific for milonga, fluidity and musicality; nice trapie moves; combinations

PRICING:  FRIDAY: $20 pre-milonga workshop only, $30 workshop & milonga (includes show), $12 milonga only (includes show)

SATURDAY: $25 for 1, $45 for 2

BOTH FRIDAY & SATURDAY: $65 for all 3 workshops, $75 for all 3 workshops and milonga. 

Couple discount: 10% off

Pre-registration discount: 10% off before Nov 27th

PRIVATE LESSONS = One class $110 dollars; Two classes $200

Pack of 3 classes $270 -Pack of 4 classes $ 340  ($10/hr floor fee)

Pre-registration suggested schedule for privates:

THURSDAY: from 4.00pm till 7pm

FRIDAY: from 5.00pm to 7.00pm

SATURDAY: from 11am. to 2pm, and from 5.30 to 7.30pm


CITA 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mar 13-19, 2016

Travel to Buenos Aires and attend the International Tango Congress with Christy Cote & Chelsea Eng. 

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Modesto Tango Bulletin, Nov. 23, 2015

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We continue on our two week break - and Saturday before Thanksgiving, and   there will be no class Saturday, November 28. nor will there be a class on Wednesday as the Senior Center is closed through the Thanksgiving Day weekend.  When we return on December 5, Jean Pierre will return to give us a couple of lessons. Jean Pierre will be offering us a touch of some of the more showy moves such as "gauchos"

We will  try again for  our Monday night practica  at the Clarion.  Starting  at 8:30 p.m., The bar would like to be able to count on an average of $10 purchase from those of us attending, so we are all encouraged to buy food or beverages when there. For the next week, this may be the only tango outlet we get, so let's all make an effort to be there tonight at the  Shooters bar in the Clarion - 8:30 to 10 p.m.

Until later, Mary
Our website: http://ModestoTango.com

Modesto Tango is a non-profit association of tango aficionados dedicated to sharing artistic, cultural and social aspects of Argentine tango. 

To unsubscribe: http://groups.google.com/group/Modesto-Tango/subscribe



MONDAY: (  Nov 23 & Nov 30)  8:30 - 10 p.m. Social dance and practica at the Clarion, 1612 Sisk Rd.  A chance to work on lesson material.  No fee, but we are encouraged to buy food and/or beverages.


WEDNESDAY: Nov. 25, 2015   Class  at  Modesto Senior Center cancelled as the center at  211 Bodem Avenue.  will be closed for the weekend.


SATURDAY:  November   28,  2015 -  Classes at Studio V cancelled.






Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th St. (just off Broadway)  Milonga: 8 pm - midnight,  $10

Start your weekend early by coming to dance on Friday at our milonga!

Feel free to celebrate your special day with us, it can be your birthday,

anniversary, job promotion, retirement, etc, just remember to inform us of your

special day and we can all have fun together!



Tango by the River, 128 J Street, 2nd & 4th Saturdays  -   $10 for the milonga Saturday, Nov. 28 Milonga with DJ Kenny Bell.



Firehouse Five Studio: 2014 9th St. TANGO BRAVO MILONGA!!   hosted by Miguel Taillant:,  1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday.  This is a traditional milonga and   similar to  those  experienced in Buenos Aires.   8 pm - 9 pm:  Tango lesson with Miguel Taillant,  9pm  - 12:30-01-00 am:  Milonga,  $10:00





6:30 - 10:30pm.

Capital Dance Center - 11270 Sanders Drive - Near Hwy 50 & Sunrise Ave (behind Costco). - Rancho Cordova, CA

Big beautiful wooden dance floor, an excellent sound & lighting system and a friendly atmosphere. DJ David Graybill.

BYOB.  Ample, free parking.   $10 per person, call 916-635-2600 to purchase advance tickets with credit card.

**Spacious wooden dance floor** **Delicious refreshments** ** free parking** **BYOB** **Only $10 per person** **Hosted by Patricia, Joanne, Cathi and Michael**





Twilight Milonga, Studio 1924, 1924 Franklin St., third floor. (Enter 2419 on lower door handle.)

DJ: Yuling Chen. Hosts: Count Glover and Melissa.

Close to 19th Street BART, free parking on Sundays. Leave no valuables in cars. 



Lake Merritt Dance Center, 200 Grand Ave. 8 p.m.



Allegro Ballroom, Friday November 20, Jon & Judy teach "Vals Turns with Embellishment" at 7:30.  8:30 Milonga with performance.


Some have expressed interest in these. To carpool call 522-1571.



Tango by the River, 128 J St., Old Sacramento

Beginning Tango - Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm  - learn the fundamentals of Argentine Tango: the elements of the tango embrace and posture, and moving with a partner in simple steps, focusing on musicality and connection.

Intermediate Tango -  7:30-8:30 pm - builds on  material from the beginning class, adding backward ochos, giros (turns), and occasionally barridas (sweeps) and sacadas (invasions). In all classes we focus on technique, connection on the dance floor, and how to apply all steps learned   into the social setting.  Tango Practica: 8:30-9:30 p.m.  -  $12 per class + $5 per practica



Tuesday,  8pm  Studio 65/Adornos, 2965 North Maroa Ave. 



Allegro Ballroom - 5855 Christie Ave. - Classes with Nora and Ed.

7:30-8:30 p.m.:  Beginners $12,  8:30-9:30 p.m., intermediates  $12

Extended hours! 9:30-11  p.m.:  Nora & Ed's Practica:  $5 



Studio 1924,  - 1924 Franklin Street - Tango Followers Extreme with Luz Castineiras, 7:30-9pm  An energetic, fun and rhythmical class that develops technique & dance conditioning. Dance with traditional & non-traditional tango music. All levels are welcome and leaders are welcome, too!  $15





Step One, 1920 T St. (at railroad tracks:), "La Práctica" for all levels with Mike & Alisa 9-11 p.m. Beginners welcome. 


Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th  St.  

Monthly:  $30   $10 drop-in; contact tangoonbroadway@gmail.com,  cegoh@aol.comor  now or call 1-916-390-0219 .

6 - 7 pm:  Basic Beginner Class  (Working on posture, embrace, basic walk, salida, cruzada,  and ochos)

7 - 8 pm:  IntermediateWEDNESDAY:  Beg & Int Tango (w/ Chooi Goh assisted by Karen Potts)For the Intermediate class,   alternate   Tango, Vals and Milonga , always   giving tango techniques & adornos that pertain to the execution of the elements  taught. 

November: Milonga, December: Int Tango and so forth).

$40/mth or $12 drop-in  



The Ballroom of Sacramento, 6009 Folsom Blvd. with Paul Zimny 7 p.m.Argentine Tango 1 - Introductory class explores Argentine Tango basics- progressive class - refreshes by calendar month. 8 p.m. Argentine Tango 2 - you just need to know the basics for a class that further explores the many possibilities for both leaders and followers - progressive class with new theme each calendar month




Tango by the River, 128 J St.,  Old Sacramento -  Intermediate/Advanced Tango -7:00 pm

Practica 8:30  $15 drop in.


Firehouse Five Studio: 2014 9th St., Chris Peake  6.30-7.30 p.m. Beginning Tango,  7:30-8.30 p.m. Continuing Tango Explorations 8.30 - 11-ish Open Practica - Cost $10 drop-in or $35/month or $5 for practica only


Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th Street. TOTAL TANGO w/ MIKE & ALISA

Mike & Alisa will be offering a tango class that will encompass all the concepts, skills and practice that will enable you to look and feel your best while expressing yourself through tango.  You will need to have completed at least the beginning class to take this class.

7:30 - 9:00 pm  :  $50/month or $15 drop-in



Blackhawk Tango, Sycamore club 635 Old Orchard Drive, 7:00 - 7:45 pmBeginner , Intermediate.  7:45-8:30 p.m. practica.  8:30- 10 pm  $10



Studio 1924, 1924 Franklin Street,  Tango Barre & Conditioning with Luz Castiniera  7-8:30pm.  In this class,   develop and explore an intensive tango workout. Each session offers   to strengthen the body through drills, repetitions, barre & stretching exercises, and musicality.

prices: Drop-in classes are $15, class packages available ($65 for 5 classes) Street parking is available and we are conveniently located one block from 19th Street BART. For more information, contact us at info@studio1924.com or 510-832-1702.




Firehouse Five  Studio: 2014 9th St. Traditional Tango  7:30-9:30 p.m.Traditional Tango with Argentine native Michael Taillant

$40/month, $70/couple, $12/drop-in class  Contact: 707-416-9680tangobravo2k@yahoo.com


The Dance Corner,  2927 Fulton Ave, Weekly Friday classes  from 7pm to 8pm(still $10 per class) followed by a Práctica from 8pm to 9pm to have more continuous floor time. The Práctica is free to class participants, or only $3 by itself.

This is a lovely dance venue with excellent floor, sound system, & lighting. There's lots of free, safe parking next to the studio. Questions? Please call 916-807-4210.




Club One, 5860 W Las Positas Blvd.

Classes and practica in large comfortable room with hardwood floor adjacent to and part of Club One boutique fitness center with clean, elegant, inviting atmosphere, minutes from highway 680 and 580 junction near W. Las Positas Blvd. and Hopyard Road.

6-6:30 p.m. Tango Chat

6:30-7:15 Beginners Class. Basic fundamentals

7:15-8 Intermediate Class. Popular steps for social dancing  8-9:30 p.m., practica

Cost: $12 – Free for Club One members, Includes light snacks and refreshments  www.blackhawktango.com



Emeryville :

Allegro Ballroom,  5855 Christie Ave.

Beginner Class 2-3 p.m,  Intermediate/Advanced Class 3-4 p.m  - Julian Ramil, instructor

One class for $10, two for $15, dance practice 4-6 p.m., $6 (free w/class)



Studio 65, Adornos; 2965 North Maroa Ave.

Tango all levels.  - 5-6 p.m., practica - 6-7 p.m.  $10

Coming Up

At Tango on Broadway, 2416 18th Street : Special Tango Weekend with Maestros Andrea Monti and her new dance partner, Adrian Durso, in Sacramento, workshops and milonga with dancing & singing show.

ANDREA MONTI, Director of the Argentine Tango USA Official Championship & USA Tango Festival and her new partner,

ADRIAN DURSO, Tango maestro, dancer and singer.

FRIDAY, Dec 4th, pre-milonga workshop & milonga:

7:00 - 8:00 pm: pre-milonga class (intermediate)

Topic: Progressing in the line of dance using changes of directions; turns and resources for crowded floors. Useful combinations and floor craft.

8:00 pm - midnight: Milonga with show (dancing and singing)

$12, includes snacks, BYOB

SATURDAY, Dec 5th workshops:

2:00 - 3:30 pm:

WORKSHOP I: TANGO INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: "Rebotes sincopados": rebotes from different positions in cross and paralel systems, changes of direction and resources for good navigation. Rhythmical interpretation.

4:00 - 5:30 pm:

WORKSHOP II: MILONGA - fun playful moves specific for milonga, fluidity and musicality; nice trapie moves; combinations

PRICING:  FRIDAY: $20 pre-milonga workshop only, $30 workshop & milonga (includes show), $12 milonga only (includes show)

SATURDAY: $25 for 1, $45 for 2

BOTH FRIDAY & SATURDAY: $65 for all 3 workshops, $75 for all 3 workshops and milonga. 

Couple discount: 10% off

Pre-registration discount: 10% off before Nov 27th

PRIVATE LESSONS = One class $110 dollars; Two classes $200

Pack of 3 classes $270 -Pack of 4 classes $ 340  ($10/hr floor fee)

Pre-registration suggested schedule for privates:

THURSDAY: from 4.00pm till 7pm

FRIDAY: from 5.00pm to 7.00pm

SATURDAY: from 11am. to 2pm, and from 5.30 to 7.30pm


CITA 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mar 13-19, 2016

Travel to Buenos Aires and attend the International Tango Congress with Christy Cote & Chelsea Eng. 

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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/modesto-tango.
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